Forums - About Coex APIs usage for EPTA

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About Coex APIs usage for EPTA
Join Date: 19 Jul 18
Posts: 20
Posted: Fri, 2018-08-10 01:24

Dear Sirs,

I have tried to use the following Coex commands provided at Coex_Demo program of SDK to initialize Coex functions about EPTA I/F

(my current development boards are YA528-1A + YA548-12A(QCA4024 carrier board and use it to connect with the external WiFi device

thruternal PTA (using the default GPIO5, 6, 7 mapped to pin-1, 3, 5 of J15 at YA528-1A mother board)) But I can not see any BT_Acitve / BT_Priority signal at Logical Analyzer. The Coex commands I have tried are shown as below:

Configure 1 4 3 1 2 (set the highest priority as WiFi and the 2nd one as EPTA and then BLE and Zigbee)

EPTAIFEnable 1 (set as PTA slave mode)

Can someone tell me how to initialize Coex to let it correclty work ? Thanks.

Best Regards,




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Join Date: 21 Jun 18
Posts: 64
Posted: Fri, 2018-08-10 15:26

Hi Bolo,

Can you refer following configuration?

@EPTA master mode:

- WLAN_ACTIVE: GPIO 5 (J15-1 on EVK), output
- BT_ACTIVE: GPIO 6 (J15-3 on EVK), input
-BT_PRIORITY: GPIO 6 (J15-5 on EVK), input

QCLI commands:

Coex EPTAIFEnable 2
Coex ConfigureAdvanced 3 0

@EPTA slave mode:

- BT_ACTIVE: GPIO 5 (J15-1 on EVK), output
- WLAN_ACTIVE: GPIO 6 (J15-3 on EVK), input
- BT_PRIORITY: GPIO 7 (J15-5 on EVK), output

QCLI commands:

Coex EPTAIFEnable 1
Coex ConfigureAdvanced 1 0


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Join Date: 21 Jun 18
Posts: 64
Posted: Fri, 2018-08-10 15:26

Hi Bolo,

Can you refer following configuration?

@EPTA master mode:

- WLAN_ACTIVE: GPIO 5 (J15-1 on EVK), output
- BT_ACTIVE: GPIO 6 (J15-3 on EVK), input
-BT_PRIORITY: GPIO 6 (J15-5 on EVK), input

QCLI commands:

Coex EPTAIFEnable 2
Coex ConfigureAdvanced 3 0

@EPTA slave mode:

- BT_ACTIVE: GPIO 5 (J15-1 on EVK), output
- WLAN_ACTIVE: GPIO 6 (J15-3 on EVK), input
- BT_PRIORITY: GPIO 7 (J15-5 on EVK), output

QCLI commands:

Coex EPTAIFEnable 1
Coex ConfigureAdvanced 1 0


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