Forums - QCA4020 Onboard_Demo awsiot cert provide

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QCA4020 Onboard_Demo awsiot cert provide
Join Date: 12 Feb 17
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2018-08-02 08:42

I'm building the Onboard awsiot demo for QCA4020 (CBD20) evaluation kit.

Now I got problem when the device does shadow connects, the return error is -6 (SSL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)

The cert I provided in "cert_buf.h" was in PEM format  like below

uint8_t aws_thing_cert[] =
{"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"\
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----"};
In cert_buf.h, I saw comment to use sharkSSLparse before providing the cert but in "load_cert_file" function the cert is type is QAPI_NET_SSL_PEM_CERTIFICATE_WITH_PEM_KEY_E and ca_list type is QAPI_NET_SSL_PEM_CA_LIST_E.
So I have to question:
1. Is the aws_calist is the rootCA for AWS?
2. Do I provide the correct format for the certificate or I have to provide in a single line statemnt like the document 80-ya121-140?
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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Thu, 2018-08-02 11:19

1. Is the aws_calist is the rootCA for AWS?
>> Yes, aws_Calist is the rootCA from AWS.

2. Do I provide the correct format for the certificate or I have to provide in a single line statement like the document 80-ya121-140?
>> You need to provide the contents of certificate in a single statement as mentioned in our document 80-ya121-140.

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