Forums - CDB20 Kit - Console does not show up

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CDB20 Kit - Console does not show up
Join Date: 9 Aug 17
Posts: 14
Posted: Thu, 2018-04-12 02:18


I have just started to test QCA4020 CDB20 development kit. It is very nice board.

But when I tried to use a console, it does not show up. (the power LED is green)

I plugged console on J85 USB port, and power on J6 USB port.

In Linux, I saw the console devices occur.

/dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1

I set Minicom with 115200, 8N1, no control

But it shows nothing on the console. 

I have tried on Windows on also. Console TeraTerm shows nothing.

I checked jumpers settings, based on CDB20 user guide document (80-YA121-140), page 289, the settings are correct for Serial debug UART., autoboot mode.

So I have no idea why simple console does not show up? I wonder if  the board has any firmware.


Son Le



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jbhanu Moderator
Join Date: 6 Feb 17
Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 2018-04-12 02:54

Hi Son, 

Yes it is very nice board having all Wireless features  in a single board ,  like Wifi, Zigbee & bluetooth. 

Can you please build and flash new image on this & also can you please let me know from where you recvied this board?



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