Forums - J14 JTAG header

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J14 JTAG header
Join Date: 23 Oct 15
Posts: 17
Posted: Wed, 2015-12-02 05:50

I purchased the I-jet JTAG debugger from IAR to connect to the SP140 board.  I noticed immediately that J14 (which I presume is the proper connection point for I-jet to debug demo applications) has all 10 pins but the I-jet has pin 7 plugged and is marked as a key.  I checked with other debugger brands and they seem to be the same.  Am I supposed to bend over or cut pin 7 on J14 to be able to connect a JTAG debugger to the platform?

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Join Date: 23 Oct 15
Posts: 17
Posted: Thu, 2015-12-03 12:13

I will answer my own question.  I bent over pin 7 and plugged in the iJet debugger and it works.


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