Forums - hi_refclk_hz read doesn't return the correct value

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hi_refclk_hz read doesn't return the correct value
Join Date: 10 Mar 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2015-09-16 11:21

I have GT202 module on one of Our Board.  I am using the Host driver supplied by Qualcomm to talk to the Wifi Controller.  We have made changes to the SPI Driver.  I am able to talk to the chip and write into the  internal registers such as   ATH_SPI_CONFIG_REG   (0x400) , SPI_INTR_ENABLE_REG and other registers.. as part of the hcd_init.

But when i start the communication with the chip  Via Driver_Bootcomm,   We need to read the  hi_ref_clk  from the Controller.  When i initiate the commincation i see the return value is not  26000000  or 40000000. 

Anyone faced the similar issue.  Any Inputs on this will be appreciated




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Join Date: 7 Apr 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2016-12-15 15:26

I am seeing the exact same behavior on custom hardware. I have measured the crystal frequency and it is solid 40 MHz.  Has anyone found a root cause or solution to this issue?


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