Forums - Floating channel number in ATH_MAC_TX_RAW mode

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Floating channel number in ATH_MAC_TX_RAW mode
Join Date: 23 Oct 15
Posts: 17
Posted: Fri, 2016-02-26 12:09

I noticed that when I send packets in ATH_MAC_TX_RAW mode the channel number does not stay set.

I first call qcom_set_channel() and then immediately send a packet using custom_qapi() with ATH_MAC_TX_RAW mode and what I observe on a monitoring device is that the channel number that the packet comes out on is all over the place.

If anyone knows how to lock down the channel number for a raw packet transmission that would be helpful.


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Join Date: 23 Oct 15
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2016-02-29 12:57

I did a little more investigation.  I notice that qcom_get_channel() appears always to return A_OK status but the value returned is always 0, even after calling qcom_set_channel() and successfully setting the channel to a valid number.  I would think that if qcom_set_channel() returns A_OK, I would immediately be able to read the channel back and have it reflect what I just wrote.  But apparently not.

So, flaky operation prevails so far.


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Join Date: 1 Mar 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2017-03-01 14:15

I have the same problem - qcom_get_channel() always returns zero, even after qcom_set_channel() was called successfully with a valid channel number and A_OK is returned.

Has anyone else seen this or know of a possible solution?


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Join Date: 31 May 17
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Posted: Wed, 2017-05-31 17:14

My team was also having problems getting qcom_set_channel to work correctly. We have isolated the problem as being a bug in the driver:

-          The API call qcom_set_channel() sends an ATH_SET_CHANNEL command with the data pointer equal to the address of the requested channel frequency stored as a uint16.

-          This eventually makes its way to ath_ioctl_handler(), where param_ptr->data is aliased as PTR_SET_CHAN, defined as follows:

#define PTR_SET_CHAN               ((uint_32_ptr*)(data))

-          The case for ATH_SET_CHANNEL then sets the device context channelHint member to the thing pointed to by PTR_SET_CHAN, casted to a uint16.


This likely works as intended on little endian architectures, which would explain why it has not been noticed by Qualcomm.

In our case (our MCU architecture is big-endian), this assigns the wrong half of the 32-bits of data pointed to by PTR_SET_CHAN to channelHint.

This effectively assigns garbage data to the channelHint and any ensuing connect call to put the GT202 into AP mode tells it to use a channel which probably doesn’t exist.

Our quick fix has been to edit qcom_set_channel() to take a 32-bit unsigned integer for the channel argument.

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