Forums - 4004 create socket fail!

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4004 create socket fail!
Join Date: 12 Oct 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2016-02-14 23:26

hello everyone!  i have a problem about creating socket , there is a http post client running on the QCA4004  , when the network is not available, open the socket  and the http client  try to connect ,obviously, it connects fail. and then socket close successfully, and i keep the net cutting off ,the program will repeat the things above, create socket and connect fail then close the socket 。 after about 1 hour ,  creating the socket will be fail. once a failure  happens, it can not create a socket successfully  anymore. could anyone answer my question.  

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Join Date: 14 Jan 16
Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 2016-04-25 00:18

The QCA4004 are provided the qcom_socket api to achiave socket connect and go through tcp_client and tcp _server.

If you're establish the tcp socket connection the server will return     strcpy(buf, "hello world!");



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