Forums - Enquiry about hardware cloud platform

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Enquiry about hardware cloud platform
Join Date: 25 May 23
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2023-08-01 20:37

Dear Team,

I am a college student and interested in the 8gen2 platform to run some demos of SNPE. However, it might be not qualify for me, just a student, to ask an 8gen2 HDK. I plan to work towards achieving real-time, large-scale NeRF rendering on edge devices. Therefore, would it be suitable to build, or already have, a hardware could platform where people could run, fix the code of and get the feedback from SNPE? Whether it's feasible or not, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to respond to my request!



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Join Date: 18 Aug 23
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2023-08-18 03:03
Snapdragon is a system on a chip (SoC) developed by Qualcomm for use in various mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. It is not a hardware cloud platform in itself, but it can be used in conjunction with cloud platforms to provide a powerful and efficient computing solution for mobile devices.
Snapdragon SoCs are designed to provide high-performance computing capabilities while minimizing power consumption. They include various components such as the CPU, GPU, DSP, and other specialized hardware accelerators that can be used for machine learning, computer vision, and other tasks.
Cloud platforms, on the other hand, provide computing resources such as servers, storage, and networking that can be accessed over the internet. Cloud platforms can be used to offload computing tasks from mobile devices, allowing them to conserve battery life and operate more efficiently.
When Snapdragon SoCs are used in conjunction with cloud platforms, they can provide a powerful and efficient computing solution for mobile devices. For example, a mobile app that requires intensive computing tasks such as image processing or machine learning can offload those tasks to a cloud platform, where they can be processed using powerful servers and specialized hardware accelerators. This can provide a seamless user experience while conserving battery life and minimizing the load on the mobile device.
Overall, the combination of Snapdragon SoCs and cloud platforms can provide a powerful and efficient computing solution for mobile devices, enabling a wide range of applications and services to be delivered to users on the go.
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