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Join Date: 30 May 16
Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 2022-09-27 18:51

I'm trying to do performance testing on my 888 dev board and logcat is showing a ton of retry activity involving  Does anyone know how to silence as much as possible all android background activity like this?  Weird thing is I'm only seeing this on some board but not others.  This is the part of the log that seems to repeat about once per second:

11-24 04:56:41.225 10044 10044 W HidlServiceManagement: Waited one second for [email protected]::IRadio/slot1

11-24 04:56:41.226   555   555 I hwservicemanager: Since [email protected]::IRadio/slot1 is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL.

11-24 04:56:41.227 10044 10044 I HidlServiceManagement: getService: Trying again for [email protected]::IRadio/slot1...

11-24 04:56:41.229   555 10646 W libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "[email protected]::IRadio/slot1": error code: 0x20

11-24 04:56:41.228     0     0 E init    : Control message: Could not find '[email protected]::IRadio/slot1' for ctl.interface_start from pid: 555 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager)

11-24 04:56:41.857 10611 10611 W HidlServiceManagement: Waited one second for [email protected]::ISecureElement/SIM1

11-24 04:56:41.858   555   555 I hwservicemanager: Since [email protected]::ISecureElement/SIM1 is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL.

11-24 04:56:41.859 10611 10611 I HidlServiceManagement: getService: Trying again for [email protected]::ISecureElement/SIM1...

11-24 04:56:41.860     0     0 E init    : Control message: Could not find '[email protected]::ISecureElement/SIM1' for ctl.interface_start from pid: 555 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager)



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Join Date: 6 Jun 22
Posts: 54
Posted: Wed, 2022-09-28 18:43
Do you mean that you want reduce the logcat log?
maybe you can try to use logcat like this:
logcat log level?
V   Verbose
D   Debug
I   Info
W   Warning
E   Error
F   Fatal
S   Silent 
and you can filter logcat like this<logcat  tag:priority>:
1: only print log level greate then warning
logcat *:W
2: only print the ActivityManager log level greate then  debug:
logcat ActivityManager:D
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