Forums - How to run linux on sxr2130P 865 SoM

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How to run linux on sxr2130P 865 SoM
Join Date: 15 Jun 22
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2022-06-20 22:35

Hi i am new to the developer network  and am totally confused and asking for help. 

I have a few questions which i am unable to get answers to. If this is not the correct forum than kindly point me to the correct one. 

My device: Open-Q Qualcomm 865 XR SoM dev board

Question 1: Only Java and Kotlin work on android, i do not know both, i can code in python, how do i put the python code on the processor?

Question 2: Is there a version of Linux that would work on Qualcomm SXR2130P SoM (one used in the 865 XR SoM). I have read that there is a Linux Kernel version 5.18 that has support for snapdragon 865 but i am not sure if it supports this particular SoM

Question 3: If i can only use Android as software, and have to code in Java, do i still have to use the templated provided in the Android development studio? It seems those templates were only designed to keep a Mobile in mind whereas the device i am trying to build will not have an interface like that. Can't i just build a program and let it run in the background ?

Question 4: While coding for a Neural network, if i prototype the network on my linux system, do i have to write a java code for the entire network and port the trained weights there or is there a smarter easier way to do it.

Question 5: What cmaera and voice modules are supported by Qualcomm dev boards? do we have chaepaer options for ex one from e-con systems which run on Linux OS?


I am very sorry for the lengthy questions but i am finding i diffcult as a begginer even navigation the developer network  

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Join Date: 6 Jun 22
Posts: 54
Posted: Tue, 2022-06-21 19:30

Question 1: Only Java and Kotlin work on android, i do not know both, i can code in python, how do i put the python code on the processor?

-------------> here is a open source project python-for-android, maybe can help you, and also you can get more solution from google.  python-for-android  Turn your Python application into an Android APK 

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Join Date: 6 Jun 22
Posts: 54
Posted: Tue, 2022-06-21 19:35

Question 2: Is there a version of Linux that would work on Qualcomm SXR2130P SoM (one used in the 865 XR SoM). I have read that there is a Linux Kernel version 5.18 that has support for snapdragon 865 but i am not sure if it supports this particular SoM

   ------------> here is the support for Snapdragon 888 HDK 

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Join Date: 6 Jun 22
Posts: 54
Posted: Tue, 2022-06-21 19:38

Question 3: If i can only use Android as software, and have to code in Java, do i still have to use the templated provided in the Android development studio? It seems those templates were only designed to keep a Mobile in mind whereas the device i am trying to build will not have an interface like that. Can't i just build a program and let it run in the background ?

---------------> yes, android is also running on linux , so you can build a linux daemon program and it run in the background .

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Join Date: 6 Jun 22
Posts: 54
Posted: Tue, 2022-06-21 19:41

Question 4: While coding for a Neural network, if i prototype the network on my linux system, do i have to write a java code for the entire network and port the trained weights there or is there a smarter easier way to do it.

------------------>qualcomm has a complete solution for Neural network, if you have qualcomm licence

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