Forums - Coding and Testing custom lenses on the Snapdragon 888 HDK

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Coding and Testing custom lenses on the Snapdragon 888 HDK
Join Date: 1 Jun 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-06-06 11:48

I am looking to use the Snapdragon 888 HDK to interface with custom-built lenses for the cameras. I am having trouble finding any documentation outside of the HDK product brief (linked at I was hoping to find more help or documentation on how the MIPI CSI connection could help me interface with custom hardware. I'm trying to gather more information for chip and sensor selection, as well as any drivers that might help with all of this.

Any help would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks!

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Join Date: 21 Jan 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2022-06-08 01:08

Thanks for the question!

Adding a new camera module or sensor needs to compile the driver code on top of Qualcomm release, and MIPI connection details should be covered by the customer document. Unfortunately, the code and document is only valid to a licensed customer but not visible at QDN. 

If you really need it, suggest you to contact with Qualcomm business team and get the support from customer support channel.



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