Forums - Available packet length CSRmesh

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Available packet length CSRmesh
Join Date: 22 Jun 16
Location: London
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2016-07-14 05:49

I'm starting to put together a data model for a product using CSRMesh 2.0.  What would be really helpful is to know what the usable payload is for a single packet on CSRmesh (or what the minimum expected payload length is for a worst case scenario if it's more complicated).

Anyone got this info to hand?



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Join Date: 22 Jun 16
Location: London
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2016-07-14 06:27

According to the documentation the following is stated.

CSRmesh is designed for low rate traffic with limited size payload (9 to 10 bytes for Bluetooth Smart 4.x).

I guess my answer is 9!

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