Forums - send message by broadcasting

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send message by broadcasting
Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Posts: 10
Posted: Sat, 2016-06-11 05:09


HI  i,m working with csr1010

i had a problem as in sending broadcasting message each node

pleae look at blow




buff[0] = 0x10;

buff[1] = 0x02;

buff[2] = 0x01;

buff[3] = g_dimming_level_1 ; 

buff[4] = g_dimming_time;

buff[5] =g_mode;







TimerCreate(800,NULL ,NULL ) ;


buff[0] = 0x10;

buff[1] = 0x02;

buff[2] = 0x01;

buff[3] = g_dimming_level_2; 

buff[4] = g_dimming_time;

buff[5] =g_mode;









have there anything wrong with this code??  i was faced with two problems .


first. after association with two device.  if transmit message is well like that 'Device_1 -> Device_2'  but  'Device_2 -> Device_1'  Not 


likewise if 'Device_2 -> Device_1' is well but not  'Device_1 -> Device_2'      that happens often.


second. some time good behavior for a period of time while the message sending stops both after some time. 

help me please!






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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Location: Skype: nissim.test CSR1010 External design house
Posts: 235
Posted: Tue, 2016-06-14 22:00
When 2 devices connected, as peripheral and central profile. You can use broadcasting profile. Use the messages in peripheral. There is so many demo application you can run and learn from. See for example the x:\CSR_uEnergy_SDK-\apps\hr_sensor
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