Forums - Programming CSR1010 when no EEPROM is connected

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Programming CSR1010 when no EEPROM is connected
Join Date: 15 Jun 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Wed, 2016-06-15 06:06


I am developing a BLE application using CSR1010. I am using CSR1010 as main MCU and no othe MCU is present. This is going to be a battery operated device. I have connected DEBUG_SPI pins to a connector as per datasheet.

I have bought DK-USB-SPI-10225-1A  USB to SPI programmer to program the CSR1010. I have few questions regarding programing and boot process for CSR1010. 

  1. How does programming work when USB to SPI programmer is used? Does it write code to EEPROM if it is present?
  2. Do we still need an EEPROM? or Can CSR1010 ROM save the programm?
  3. If no EEPROM is used do I need to programm CSR1010 using Debug SPI on every Power ON?




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Join Date: 1 Jun 16
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Posted: Wed, 2016-06-15 07:56

1. Programming of the unit programs the attached non-volatile memory (EEPROM or Flash).

2. YOu will need an EEPROM for program storage.  The ROM is mask programmed, containing the Bluetooth stack (e.g. GATT, GAP, ATT, etc.) and peripheral driver firmware.  Your application code is stored in the external EEPROM, and on power up of the unit, the contents of the EEPROM is copied over into internal memory and executed from RAM.

3. Once the EEPROM is programme,d you will not need to re-program it every time on power on.



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Join Date: 15 Jun 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Wed, 2016-06-15 21:59

Thanks, that solves my questions.


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