Forums - No COM Port on Windows 10

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No COM Port on Windows 10
Join Date: 9 Jul 17
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2017-07-09 06:57

Dear fellow devs,

I've tried this on two different PCs with Win10 (64bit).

The docs tell me to connect to the dev kit via terminal (Tera Term) but the problem is: 

There is so COM-Port for the dev kit. I've installed everything before connecting the kit. 

There also is a "USB <> SPI" device listed in the device manager. Also flashing the kit via the USB-SPI works fine.

Do you have any idears?

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Join Date: 9 Jul 17
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2017-07-30 04:49

Ok. I've just realized that the starter kit doesn't have the chips needed to provide the COM port.

Sadly this is never mentioned anywhere (store / docs). I would have spend the addiotional 100 bucks to get the professional if I would have known that I need it! 

Anyways, just don't waste your time trying to setup 32-bit Windows to test if the drivers are the problem...

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Join Date: 22 Jul 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2018-07-22 10:16

Hi - i have the same problem :-/

i purchased the board only the Com port is not showing up in device manager at all, and as you described, i have on ly the serial bus controller listed. i am using Win 10 64 bits and tried it also on another machine,

i wonder why the SDK installer shows that it installed the FTDI drivers properly for virtual com enablement and still i can't comuniccate with the device as no com port is available.

there goes a full day.. luck i found this post.

can I ask you which development board you eventaully used? and how did you find that it doesnt have the HW.. after all it has SPI to USB bus controller.



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