Forums - 888 HDK

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888 HDK
Join Date: 9 Sep 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2021-09-09 11:32
Hello! I am interested in your product Snapdragon 888 Mobile Hardware Development Kit. But I have a question. Is it possible to connect an external monitor in 4k resolution at 120Hz? I read in some sources that the type-c port works here as displayPort version 1.4 (and this version should support 4k @ 120Hz). If this is not possible, what screen resolutions / frequencies does this device support? P.s. moderators, please move the topic to the appropriate section, I did not find a mobile processor for 888 ((
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Join Date: 27 May 15
Posts: 246
Posted: Fri, 2021-09-10 08:08

Any support questions around the HDK should be directed to one of the two manufacturers of the actual kit. Either Lantronix or Thundercomm.

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