Forums - How to let PIO(8:5) be used as PIO

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How to let PIO(8:5) be used as PIO
Join Date: 31 Jul 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2016-07-31 06:50


As I am a new guy to use 1012 and have 2 questions here
1.From the datasheet, set SPI_PIO#_SEL high to enable SPI debug features on PIO(8:5), it means if I need to download software via SPI,
SPI_PIO#_SEL should be high level, but from the test result, no matter SPI_PIO#_SEL is high or low, it can download via SPI, could you help to tell why?
2.other PIOs can work well as a buttons, but PIO(8:5) can not be detected no matter SPI_PIO#_SEL is high or low, could you please help to guide me how to do if I want to use PIO(8:5) for a button.

thanks in advance

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Join Date: 4 Mar 15
Location: IoT consultant, Cambridgeshire, UK
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2016-08-11 04:22

SPI_PIO# definitely has to be HIGH to reprogram or debug. Some programmers also power the chip through this line (the CSRmesh PCB does this) but I don't know how well documented/supported that is.

If you want to use PIO(8:5) for I/O then you'll need to think carefully about how you're going to program or debug the device. I suggest you use the larger CSR1011 for development and debugging and a compile-time option to select other PIO lines once your code is working. For programming you'll need to make sure PIO(8:5) are not driven by your switches.


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