Forums - Receive Block_Data from Android App.

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Receive Block_Data from Android App.
Join Date: 24 Dec 16
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2017-04-05 13:01

I am developing CSR1010 mesh 2.1.
I implemented it to send Block Data from the Mesh Device. It's OK.
Then How can I receive Block Data from Android App?
I confirmed that the Block_Data was received from the following statement.

case MeshConstants.MESSAGE_RECEIVE_BLOCK_DATA: { /* SkyLine */

Log.d(TAG, "MESSAGE_RECEIVE_BLOCK_DATA" + data); MeshResponseEvent(MeshResponseEvent.ResponseEvent.DATA_RECEIVE_BLOCK, data));

break; }

The received data is as follows. 
04-06 04:36:02.771 14052-16144/com.csr.csrmeshdemo2 D/MeshLibraryManager: MESSAGE_RECEIVE_BLOCK_DATA Bundle[{MESHREQUESTID=0, DatagramOctets=[B@25a7d4b, DeviceIdSrc=32770, DESTDEVICEID=0}]
04-06 04:36:03.271 14052-16144/com.csr.csrmeshdemo2 D/MeshLibraryManager: MESSAGE_RECEIVE_BLOCK_DATA Bundle[{MESHREQUESTID=0, DatagramOctets=[B@5b66328, DeviceIdSrc=32770, DESTDEVICEID=0}]
How do you analyze this data? 

The Block_Data in the Sniffer log is:
+7862149: -30dBm:2447430ed811: HLM LEN: 12 MAC: d5ae828956b84829 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec93 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: a1b2c3d4e5f800000000
+81639: -30dBm:0458b2337c74:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: d5ae828956b84829 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec93 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: a1b2c3d4e5f800000000
+119488: -30dBm:3ace7630c7ff:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: d5ae828956b84829 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec93 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: a1b2c3d4e5f800000000
+103686: -30dBm:2894232b96e6:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: d5ae828956b84829 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec93 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: a1b2c3d4e5f800000000
+121212: -36dBm:2352612a14ce:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: d5ae828956b84829 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec93 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: a1b2c3d4e5f800000000
+79082: -30dBm:1a485d1e396b: HLM LEN: 12 MAC: 353b8712348fe7b9 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec94 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: 006400ff000223640000
+56014: -30dBm:0816e406c6f9:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: 353b8712348fe7b9 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec94 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: 006400ff000223640000
+224901: -30dBm:1eb1c128cc53:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: 353b8712348fe7b9 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec94 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: 006400ff000223640000
+15640: -30dBm:27cd4d0fd51c:(D) HLM LEN: 12 MAC: 353b8712348fe7b9 TTL: 32 :: MCP: SEQ: 00a0ec94 SRC: 8002 DST: 0000 OPC: DATA_BLOCK_SEND(0073) PARAM: 006400ff000223640000

Please refer to Sniffer log and correct Log.d appropriately.

I send like this :
However, Received Data on App is :
DatagramOctets = [B @ 25a7d4b
Modify Log.d accordingly.



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Join Date: 24 Dec 16
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2017-04-05 13:10

I need an example source that can receive BLOCK_DATA from the Android app.


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