Forums - Propramming CSR via SDK tools/bin

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Propramming CSR via SDK tools/bin
Join Date: 8 Jul 15
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2018-09-06 00:35


I wanted to program beacons fast for serial production. So I dont want to program via xIDE.

My software contains otau support and works on devices that programmed via xIDE and I make a .bat file to program. works on windows. My custom functions does work which I programmed by .bat programmer. But otau does not I called all commands (CSR_uEnergy_SDK-\tools\bin )that compiler does but I think I am missing something else. 

This is my  basic .bat file :

bin\e2cmd.exe   -quiet fill 0xffff
bin\e2cmd.exe   -quiet download %PROJECT_PATH%\depend_Debug_CSR101x_A05\gatt_%BLE_MODE%.img
bin\csconfigcmd.exe -otauappoffset 0x4200 merge %PROJECT_PATH%\gatt_%BLE_MODE%_csr101x_A05.keyr
Could you help me? Why Over the air updater does not work? Does xIDE do other thinks, maybe about bootloader, or adresses.
Project properties:
Erase NVM Yes
Include OTA Update Bootloader YES
CS KEY File bootloader.keyr
Version OTA 7
Slot 1 Address(OTA Update Bootloader) 0x4200
Slot End Address(OTA Update Bootloader)  0x10000



// (0001) - Bluetooth device address


&BDADDR = 0207 0200 0000


// (0002) - Crystal frequency trim



// Default value (in hex) for a 512kbit EEPROM

&nvm_start_address = 4100 // Default value (in hex) for EEPROM

&nvm_size = 40


// UART connection speed. By default, 115200 ba.

&UART_RATE = 01d9





// (000d) - Sleep clock accuracy allowance


// (0011) - Identity Root

&IDENTITY_ROOT = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

// (001b) - I2C EEPROM Initialisation Time


// (001d) - Thermometer offset adjustment


// (0022) - I2C Pull resistors config


// (0012) - Encryption Root

&ENCRYPTION_ROOT = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

// (0016) - Battery "low" threshold voltage




&WD_TIMEOUT = 7530



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Join Date: 8 Jul 15
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2018-12-18 23:36

Any comments, helps?

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Join Date: 8 Jul 15
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2019-01-23 03:43

Thanks helps Qualcomm I solved it however I lost lots of time. 

Your silence helped me so much thanks really thanks...

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