Forums - Notification flow control

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Notification flow control
Join Date: 29 Jul 16
Posts: 25
Posted: Fri, 2017-03-24 03:51

There seems to be a bug in the notification flow control algorithm used in the CSR1010 Glucose sensor sample application. I am copying this app for a different application and found that some notifications were getting lost: if you have more than about 15 notifications to send then two get lost.

The Glucose app algorithm sends the first notification with a call to GattCharValueNotification() and then further notifications each time the corresponding GATT_CHAR_VAL_NOT_CFM event arrives, until GATT_CHAR_VAL_NOT_CFM shows an error (because the CSR1010 buffer is full). From that point on, it turns on LS_RADIO_EVENT_IND events and sends further notifications on each LS_RADIO_EVENT_IND event, until all have been sent. The GATT_CHAR_VAL_NOT_CFM events still occur but are ignored. The idea is presumably that one LS_RADIO_EVENT_IND event will happen each time a notification is transmitted, so there will be room for another in the buffer.  

However this is a mistake, as (for me) two further GATT_CHAR_VAL_NOT_CFM events with error status arrive (and are ignored). The result is that two notifications are not transmitted.

The fix is simple: on the first error turn on LS_RADIO_EVENT_IND events but use each one only as a prompt to attempt a further GattCharValueNotification() call. Monitor every GATT_CHAR_VAL_NOT_CFM event and if it shows an error, note that the notification has to be retried. Retry the next time you get a LS_RADIO_EVENT_IND event.

I would be interested to know if there are other examples of notification flow control?

Regards - Charles

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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Location: Skype: nissim.test CSR1010 External design house
Posts: 235
Posted: Mon, 2017-04-24 06:37

look in all *.h files to see all of them

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