Forums - PIO Port Connection for H1 3179v2

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PIO Port Connection for H1 3179v2
Join Date: 30 Nov 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2017-11-30 23:25

Sorry if the topic I posted is not exactly related to main topic, but there's no topics relating to H1 3179v2, so I'm posting here.

I am currently working on a project using a CSR8675 chip-embedded H1 3179v2 development board through ADK 4.0.0.

I would like to establish a connection using I2C with an external sensor connected to a PIO port whilst checking the "CSR8670 I2C and UART Serial Interface Code Examples App Note", however there is no information or explanation on which port to connect from the examples.

 I would like to know the instructions on how to configure with PIO Port, and if you know a manual note or other resources that could help, I would appreciate if you can send it for me to take a look.

Also, when creating a new project using xIDE for ADK4.0.0 and debuging it, an *.psr file is not created so the .psr file cannot be merged using the PSTool. Please let me know a way to create this file.

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Join Date: 13 Jun 16
Posts: 79
Posted: Tue, 2017-12-05 12:36

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