Forums - CSR1012

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Shashank J
Join Date: 7 Apr 17
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2017-04-07 02:11

Dear All,

This is my first post here - Kindly Help me out with the following question

We are building a bluetooth based IOT product

We have decided to buy CSR1012 IC's from digikey now

1. Where can we download the SDK ? Is it free ?
2. What Development Studio should be used to to program them ?  Is this a paid software ?
3. Where can we download Board Schematics and Gerbers ?



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Join Date: 27 Sep 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Fri, 2017-04-07 04:37

Hello Shashank,

Please find my answers below for your questions,

1. Where can we download the SDK ? Is it free ?

A: I would suggest you to start with CSR1010. You can buy a Development kit for CSR1010 which also has the CD containing SDK.

2. What Development Studio should be used to to program them ?  Is this a paid software ?

A: Both CSR1010 and 1012 uses CSR uEnergy SDK IDE. You can download it from below url

3. Where can we download Board Schematics and Gerbers ?

A: You get it from Qualcomm Developer Network or download it from below url


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