Forums - Question about QCC5141 basic programming?

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Question about QCC5141 basic programming?
Join Date: 15 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2022-03-08 03:28

Where can I get some assistance for QCC5141 programming? I am having trouble building the basic_passthrough sample project, as loading the default source code for the basic_passthrough project without any changes still shows compiler errors in the MDE. Where is the correct forum to ask questions about these?

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Join Date: 27 Aug 18
Posts: 29
Posted: Sat, 2022-05-21 10:44

There is no public forum to help for QCC devices. We suggest that you seek assistance from the distributors from where you have procured the evaluation kit and ADK License.

You should not be getting any basic compilation errors, as long as you are using the correct ADK Toolkit. Please test with the Headset or Earbud Application.

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Join Date: 8 Mar 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2022-10-29 05:14

Hi Qualcomm team, 
We are working with the QCC5141 development and strucked with many issues in the Earbud and Headset code, Struggled to develop the basic blink program in the eval kit. This is not because of the bad IC this is because of the bad documentation or support.

As developers we look for basic examples of all functionalities like GPIO, protocols like I2C, SPI and UART, BLE packet structure, and Audio pipeline testing.But what we get is very much complicated Earbud and Headset examples. Can we use them with out the proper knowledge of message queues structure in the code? Atleast qualcomm should provide more basic examples for development. Or Is Qualcomm promoting only OEMs to develop and ignore the developers base. That could be a wrong decision.

I am struck now with the BLE custom gatt service development for posting a sensor data regularly in some intervals and events. Can some one who understood my struggle point me to the direction where i can get support. Can someone post a example code for this? Please help me.

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