Forums - DemoKit

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Join Date: 9 Nov 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2018-11-09 04:45

Good day to you. I'm developer at Fianite Technologies. I’ve working on project based on CSR8645. We received DK-8645-10064-1A Development Kit recently. For further work we need to connect our device to the ADC and the PIO pins of the 8645 chip. We received datasheets with pinout of CSR8645 (BGA), but where these pins lead on the demoboard is not clear. So please send me the schematic circuit of the demoboard. Or some other way how I could find and connect to the ADC and the PIO pins. NDA (with Avnet) is signed. We can communicate by the forum, personal message or email.

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Join Date: 13 Jun 16
Posts: 79
Posted: Wed, 2019-01-02 09:51

Qualcomm's audio products are not supported by this forum. Qualcomm sales,, or distributors,, can help with the information you are looking for.

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