Forums - Build Problem - About custom UUIDs

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Build Problem - About custom UUIDs
Join Date: 19 Jun 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2017-06-20 22:23

Can anyone help me to solve the following problems:

I am trying to build a CSR1010 applicaiton by uEnergy Development Kits  v2.3. I use the following procedures to create custom GATT profiles:

1. create a "custom_uuids.h"

2. create a "custom_service_db.db"

3. include the custom_service_db.db into "app_gatt_db.db"

4. to Build Active Project

However, I always got a warning message: syntax error near token 'primary_service', and then got a make error: [depend_Debug_CSR101x_A05/app_gatt_db.c] Error 1

I don't know which step wrong. I am sure there is no typos. 

Another problem is that I try to modify the properties of characteristic of UUID_HEART_RATE_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION in "heart_rate_service_db.db" of the project hr_sensor, from "read" to "notify".

But there is no any change when I connect CSR1010 by an Android client and check its properties remotely.

How can I change the properties of exist characteristics?

Thanks for your help




I finally found the solution. I use the Android as the client. However, Android kernel cache the UUIDs.

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Join Date: 19 Jun 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2017-06-21 20:41

A test project is to start off with the hr_sensor example application in SDK CD.  Then simply copy the everything about the service from "bp_sensor" project.  Adding the files: bp_*.* into the test project. Include "bp_service_db.db" into "app_gatt_db.db".

I still got the same warning and error message.

The SDK is v2.3 on Windows 10, 64bit.


Note: I solve this problem by just move #include "bp_service_db.db" from the last row in "app_gatt_db.db" to the middle of the file.

It works but I don't know why.

Edit: Only one input file may be supplied to the GATT Database Generator, but that file may use the #include directive to pull in additional database files. All additional database files except the last in the list must include a trailing comma (,) as the last character.

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Join Date: 19 Jun 17
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2017-06-22 01:57

My second problem is weird and I don't know why.

I have tried several test. When I build and run any project include GATT database, the development board won't update the firmware except the device name.

for example, if I install the hr_sensor project into the developement board at begin, and then I switch the workspace to bp_sensor project.

Rebuild the project (F7) and  Run (F5). There is nothing change on the developement board except the device name. So I can see the device name is changed to "CSR BP Sensor" from my Android client side but the device still operates as a heart rate sensor.

I don't know why. Does anyone meet similar problem?

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