Forums - Hostless Uart Demo: Error while flashing firmware to SP141

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Hostless Uart Demo: Error while flashing firmware to SP141
Join Date: 15 May 14
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2014-06-06 00:56

Hello community,

I would like to use the Hostless Uart Demo to transmit incoming data over uart; Therefore it is neccessary to flash the "flash agent" to the Kinetis MCU; after that, the firmware image "sp141_flashRead4IO_uartHost.bin" needs to be written in the flash of the QCA4002.
I successfully flashed the flash agent to the Kinetis MCU. But I get an error when I try to flash the SP141.


It says:

file size 179628 bytes

version matches 4


Execute result 0x10001

OTP successful


Get FW version failed

Host version:

Target version: 0x0

Firmware version:

Interface version: 0

Programming failed


Does someone know what's the problem here? Anyone having the same problem?


Thank you very much,

Harry I.



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Join Date: 12 May 14
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Posted: Mon, 2014-10-06 00:19

To flash the QCA4002, you need to set it to SPI instead of hostless, according to Figure 4-1 in 80-Y6806-4 Rev. A (SP140/SP141 Dev Kit, Installation and Configuration Guide).

Nevertheless, it is possible that it still does not work. Unfortunately, I never got a clear answer for that problem.


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Join Date: 10 Oct 14
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Posted: Fri, 2014-10-10 10:41

That means that FW crashed after being programmed. 

You need to have the right match between Driver (MCU) and FW (on the SPI flash) - the version number need to match.

Try programming both MCU and FW


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