Forums - fcvFFTu8 and fcvIFFTf32 Performance

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fcvFFTu8 and fcvIFFTf32 Performance
Join Date: 25 Jun 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2014-06-26 06:54


my intention is to find the most efficient way to perform an FFT/IFFT, obviously by using the Hexagon DSP.

If i use the functions fcvFFTu8(..) and fcvIFFTf32(..) as stated in are they executed on the available Hexagon DSP?

Is this the most efficient and quickest way to perform an FFT/IFFT with the Snapdragon? Or is there another option (maybe using the Hexagon SDK)?

What happens if I call these functions with non Snapdragon devices, such as a Samsung Galaxy S? (I assume a non-neon implementation executed on the ARM CPU)

Thanks and best regards,



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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 4 Nov 12
Posts: 106
Posted: Thu, 2014-06-26 12:22


To run FastCV on Hexagon DSP you need Snapdragon platform with the right version of preloaded on device. FFT/IFFT is introduced in 1.5.0 release and the latest .so library (1.5.0) is unlikely to be found in a lot of platforms yet. You can also use FastCV from Hexagon SDK. Again the timing of SDK update should be considered, especialy if you want to use newly added APIs.

Your understanding of non-Snapdraon platform with FastCV is correct.




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Join Date: 28 Jul 14
Location: Montreal
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2014-11-12 09:21


Could you find a faster FFT on hexagon?

I could not use FastCV FFT for larger sizes so, I implemented myself but it is slow.


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