Forums - Windows Phone 8 fastcv Sdk in visual studio 2012

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Windows Phone 8 fastcv Sdk in visual studio 2012
Join Date: 26 Mar 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2014-03-29 12:27



I am developing a windoows phone 8 application for object detection ,thats use windows c# as programming language ,so i need to refer fastcv in c# .since installation contains only .lib and .h files how can i refer them in my c# code



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Join Date: 29 Mar 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2014-03-29 16:37

I'm strugglign to try to get this to run on WP8 as well.   You'll have to create a C++ phone component, but that isn't allowing me to add the reference.  Are there at least sample apps for WP8?

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Join Date: 24 Nov 13
Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 2014-04-01 22:32

Hi, You can try something like this

1.  Create a  C++ header file:   fastcv_c#.h
    The file contents will look something like this:
    #include "fastcv\fastcv.h"
    //<fastcv headers>
    namespace fastcv_c#
            puclic ref class FASTCV_c#
                 public :
                 <constructor declarations>;
                 <API declarations>;
    Please include the proper path to <fastcv headers > and <fastcv lib> in the properties option of Visual Studio
2.  Create a C++ source file containing the API definitions.
3.  Refer this C# project :For instance:
     using fastcv_c#;

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