Forums - New to FastCV

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New to FastCV
Join Date: 23 Jul 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2014-03-18 16:51

Hi folks


Im new to fastcv and android, but i start as i mean to go on.  i followed this guide to setup my environment


Now i would like to know how to get started with creating my first fastcvandroid app.  my main goal is to implement object learning / recognition, gesture recognition and face detection / identification.


can anyone point me to some tutorials or expanded info please. Mainly how I add FCV to my own project.  When an app is published and i move it to an android device, is there anything else i would need installed on the device?

i have some experience using OpenCV and EmguCV.

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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 4 Nov 12
Posts: 106
Posted: Wed, 2014-03-19 11:37


As far as FastCV is concerned you don't need to install anything else as long as your app can build properly with FastCV library. Since you are familiar with OpenCV, you can first develop your app from OpenCV, and then replace the OpenCV APIs at critical path with FastCV APIs when applicable to get better performance.



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