Forums - Hough's Line giving garbage

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Hough's Line giving garbage
Join Date: 3 Aug 13
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2014-01-06 15:47

I've been trying to process a greyscale (Y-channel) bitmap image, 320x240 with the Hough transform provided from FastCV.


The function call is as follows:

uint32_t maxLines = 15;
uint32_t ndetLines;
fcvLine detLines[maxLines];
fcvHoughLineu8 ( (uint8_t*)dataBuf, width, height, 0, 1.0, maxLines, &ndetLines, detLines);

The output from the detLines returns static lines which doesn't change regardless of the image and the lines appear to be in a criss cross pattern as in the link

Has anyone successfully worked with this function and gotten it working. If you have it would be super appreciated if you post your code.


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Join Date: 2 Apr 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2014-01-10 18:22


For the stride parameter, try using the image width instead of zero.

For the threshold, try using 0.25 instead of 1.0.


Hope that helps :)

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