Forums - Video decoding on 8x60 device

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Video decoding on 8x60 device
Join Date: 24 Jan 12
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-25 10:36

In the "Qualcomm iOMX Video Encoding / Decoding Suite" documentation, there is this statement:

"Note that 8x60 devices can run the same application, but the output will be in a non-standard image format."

We want to understand what is the video format coming out of the decoder as we need to do some post processing. We can't use RGB 565 on honeycomb.


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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-25 15:13

Our video output format is proprietary and cannot be disclosed at this time.  Our provided sample code has been published to either render the frames or convert  them into rgb format.

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Join Date: 24 Jan 12
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2012-01-25 17:09

We want it to be decoded into either YUV or RGB24 format, looks like there is no way for us to do it then?

By the way, if we get the android kernel source from manufacturer, I suppose we don't need to do the patch and the OpenMAX IL can be immediately accessed by native code?

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Join Date: 8 Dec 11
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Posted: Thu, 2012-05-03 16:08


I was wondering... for those of us who don't have access to the library used on Android for the Tiled --> RGB565 colorspace conversion, is there a way to render the decoded data directly into an EGL image, using the OMX_UseEGLImage() method for allocating output buffers?  I see that the method is implemented on the component side in the ICS source tree, but it looks like it's including an "eglQCOM.h" header file which I believe is non-public.



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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Thu, 2012-05-03 16:50

The eglQCOM.h file isn't publicly available, as you guessed.  How do you not have access to the library, is it not on your device?  Which device are you attempting this on?

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Join Date: 8 Dec 11
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2012-05-03 17:06

Thanks Steve.

I'm working on the TouchPad (APQ8060) because I'm a glutton for punishment.  But for other reasons I'm going to have to give up the project so it's not very important.

I noticed that other projects (e.g., XBMC for BeagleBoard and Tegra2) were using the EGL method and I thought it seemed pretty cool and maybe even more efficient for OpenGL ES.  I tried it on the TP but wasn't able to create an EGL image using the eglCreateImageKHR() method.  I was just curious if you've heard of anybody using it, and / or if it handled the conversion, in case I come back to this project in the future.

Take care,



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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Thu, 2012-05-03 17:10

John, no problem.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to get any information internally about anyone using the EGL method you've mentioned.  Good luck in your effort and if you do find an answer elsewhere, feel free to post it back here as now I'm curious myself.  Thanks.

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