Forums - Compiling qcom-video-codec-sample-1-2

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Compiling qcom-video-codec-sample-1-2
Join Date: 18 Sep 11
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2011-09-18 23:45

We downloaded the project qcom-video-codec-sample-1-2 for accessing the hardware decoder through Android StageFright framework. We are following the steps as given in the pdf file OpenMax_Encoder_Decoder.pdf. What is this step?

To compile the sample application:
1. cd <android-dir>/frameworks/base/cmds/stagefright/qcomomxsample

2. mm

There should be no errors at this point, and file qcom_omx_sample should now be present in

What is mm command? Can somebody suggest anything?




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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Thu, 2011-10-13 10:43

Yes, this is part of the steps used when building from Android source.  "mm" is similar to the "make" command but does not build the entire source tree.

You must first follow steps 3.1 and 3.2 to download Android and configure the Android source.  To be safe, make sure you have read through all of the Prerequisites of section 2.

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