Forums - Extract Y data from decoded buffer which is QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar format

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Extract Y data from decoded buffer which is QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar format
Join Date: 22 Oct 12
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2012-10-25 19:40

Hi Guys,

I need help in extracting Y data and UV data from output decoded buffer which in QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar format for my application in Android 4.0 ( ICS)

I am using  qcom_video_codec_sample_1_3_1 as reference in my application.

I have implemented an optmized rendering framework for my application since OpenMAx doesnt support in ICS.

I am successfully able to render video from a sample yuv file.

But when i try to extract YUV data from output buffer that i get from OMX in FillBufferDone callback i get erroneous render output.

My Video details are

Width : 1280

Height : 720

OMX allocates output buffers of size 1433600 bytes.

How do extract Y data and UV data from this 1433600 bytes.

In output callback(info->mFrameData, info->mFrameSize, info->mBuffer),

I tried extracting the first (width * height) bytes as luminance  from (info->mFrameData) but i get wrong output.

Can someone please give me details on QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar format.



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Join Date: 29 Jul 11
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2012-10-26 06:58

QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar is not exactly YUV420. It's NV21 or YV12 in new OMX IL versions.

It's two different formats, but you can view how to work with it in frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/colorconversion/ColorConverter.cpp This file contains color conversion functions from this formats to RGB565.

Shortly, NV21 has Width * Height Y buffer, and Width * Height / 2 UV buffer parts. UV are interlaced(one line from UV used for two Y lines).

YV12 are more difficult. It has same buffer parts sizes, but U and V buffers are following each other. One line from UV buffers contains Width / 2 bytes of V component, than same size of U component data. Color components are interlaxed too.

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