Forums - H.264 Decoder buffering MSM8960

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H.264 Decoder buffering MSM8960
Join Date: 17 Apr 12
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2012-05-03 07:24


I'm trying to decode H.264 stream  frame-by-frame, unfortunately in the Qualcomm sample (v 1.3.1) there is only whole file decode example.

The question is: does decoder buffer the frames before it calls the callback function with decoded data?

Is there any setConfig or setParam for making the decoder output the decoded frame right away after decoding is finished?

From my experience decoder buffers now 2 frames, and only by submitting the 3-d frame decoder will output the first one.

My stream is only I-frames.

Thanks in advance!

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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Mon, 2012-05-14 12:47


Are you using DECODE_ORDER or DISPLAY_ORDER?  See method setPictureOrder(int pictureOrder) in QcomOmxDecoder.cpp.

Try using QOMX_VIDEO_DECODE_ORDER for more efficient results, this might help your buffer problem


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