Forums - Using OpenMAX IL To Reduce Video Size

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Using OpenMAX IL To Reduce Video Size
Join Date: 18 Mar 12
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2012-04-05 13:29

Hi All,

I'm attempting to shrink h.264 videos via changing their width and height  to 480x320 from 1280x720 and software transcoding can take a long time, so I am attempting to integrate with OpenMAX IL in my 3rd party application for Snapdragon chipsets.  I have an HTC Evo 3D which contains an MSM8660 chipset running Gingerbread.

According to OpenMax_Encoder_Decoder.pdf in the qcom_video_codec_sample_1_3_1, it should support encoding yuv NV12 to h.264 but the sample application is reporting that it doesn't support it.

Question 1) What ICS device would support my use-case and how reliable is assuming an 8x60 should support what it says it supports in the pdf referenced above?  The reason I'm asking is because I don't want to run out and buy a phone to find out it doesn't work, similar to my case with the Evo 3D.

Question 2) Will MSM8960 support both encoding and decoding for h.264?

Question 3) Is my assumption correct in that I need to first decode to YUV before encoding back to h.264 at the reduced size if I am to do hardware encoding?


Jonathan Herriott

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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Fri, 2012-04-06 09:16

1) The Evo 3D should support your use case.  Which error message are you receiving that shows that this is unsupported?

2) Yes

3) If you plan on decoding each frame, resizing the YUV, then re-encoding to h.264, then this sounds like the correct approach.

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