Forums - Multimedia on HP TouchPad

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Multimedia on HP TouchPad
Join Date: 8 Dec 11
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2012-03-29 11:55


I'm interested in developing a good video player for the HP TouchPad since the current landscape is a bit barren.  Implicit in that is a need for HW-accelerated video decoding via OpenMAX.

What are my options for accessing hardware decoding on the TouchPad?  Is this feasible?

I'd really like to use my talents to help show off what this platform can do.  Any guidance is appreciated.



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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Thu, 2012-03-29 14:49

Unfortunately we don't have any resource information for accessing hardware decoding on the HP TouchPad.  You may have better results with one of the HP TouchPad development community websites for this information.

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