Forums - FlexRender in Adreno 330( SHV E330S )

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FlexRender in Adreno 330( SHV E330S )
Join Date: 21 Apr 13
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2013-08-02 00:26


I have a device named SHV E330S with Adreno 330. It is said Adreno 330 has a feature named FlexRender. So I write a simple program to test it.


But with glHint, it seems Adreno 330 also render as Hybrid Binning mode. 

What I want to know is, in SHV E330S, does the driver support FlexRender?

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mhfeldma Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Posts: 310
Posted: Fri, 2013-08-02 09:36

There are advantages to both the direct and deferred rendering modes. To maximize performance, Adreno 3xx was designed to render with either direct mode or deferred, which it can do dynamically on its own.  This technology is unique to Adreno GPUs and is called FlexRender technology

The Adreno 3xx GPU can analyze the rendering for a given render target and automatically choose between deferred and direct rendering mode.  This is accomplished without the application having to provide any additional information. It is recommend that developers rely on Adreno GPU to determine the best possible mode for rendering.

We do not recommend using the hint “glHint()” for this. The Adreno documentation will be updated accordingly.

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