Forums - OpenCL on Nexus 4 - crash the phone

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OpenCL on Nexus 4 - crash the phone
Join Date: 7 Feb 13
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2013-06-19 23:58


  I'm trying to run a simple opencl kernel on the gpu. If I run it once, it seems to be running fine and I get the visual result

(some image convolution kernel) I expect to get.

  However if I try to run the code in a loop, or to run on each frame received from the camera the phone just crashes.

   It seems that the clEnqueueNDRangeKernel is causing this behaviour - if I comment it out and leave all the other OpenCL

commands (such as clEnqueueReadBuffer, clEnqueueWriteBuffer, clFinish...) it passes. The crash happens even if the kernel

is just a return statement and if the global size (the grid launch size) is one.


 I'm getting the following error message in the LogCat:


Adreno200-GSL   <gsl_ldd_control:226>: ioctl code 0xc0140910 (IOCTL_KGSL_RINGBUFFER_ISSUEIBCMDS) failed: errno 35 resource deadlock would occour

Adreno200-EGL   <eglSwapBuffers:3498>: EGL_CONTEXT_LOST

HardwareRenderer   EGL error: EGL_CONTEXT_LOST

Adreno200-ES20  <glFlush:56>: GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY

SurfaceTexture    [com.example.opencltest/com.example.opencltest.MainActivity] updateTexImage: clearing GL error: 0x505

SurfaceFlinger    eglSwapBuffers (0x1, 0x40ae4ec8) failed with 0x000030e

libc                       Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 216 (SurfaceFlinger)


And then there is, what looks like, some core dump in the LogCat.

I'm not creating any new resources in the code, I have 2 buffers of 0.5MB in size.

It seems that the clEnqueuNDRange causes some internal crash or serious resource leak.


Any assistance is very welcomed.


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Join Date: 7 Feb 13
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-07-01 07:59


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