Forums - Is Adreno support updating to a compressed 2D texture from an uncompressed texel data buffer?

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Is Adreno support updating to a compressed 2D texture from an uncompressed texel data buffer?
Join Date: 15 Dec 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2012-02-21 17:37

Hi Everyone,

     Can any body tell me whether or not Adreno GPU support a on-line texture compression? Can I update to a compressed 2D texture from an uncompressed texel data buffer and let the Adreno GPU to do the texture compression? If it is support, How can I use this feature? Is there any relative OpenGL ES extention about this feather? Or can some body give me a code example?

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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Tue, 2012-02-21 18:27

There is nothing currently in the driver/hardware to do this for you, and I'm not aware of any plans to add it. We do, however, provide a library as part of the SDK that would allow you to do it.

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Join Date: 15 Dec 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2012-02-21 19:14

Hi Dave_Astle,

     Thank you for reply. How about the performance of the texture convert libaray(libTextureConverter.a) provied by Adreno SDK ?

Can we get a real time texture conversion ?  How much time it take to comvert 1024x1024 RGBA texture to ATITC on 1G GPU on Android platform ?

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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Tue, 2012-02-21 19:42

These compression formats are designed for fast hardware decompression, not necessarily fast software compression. The performance is adequate if you want to, say, compress textures generated/retrieved once, and then cached for future use, but probably not if you are updating the texture continually. 

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