Forums - "Blocking Resolve (Resource Free), 23.13 msec"

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"Blocking Resolve (Resource Free), 23.13 msec"
Join Date: 22 Nov 11
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2011-11-23 03:21

Hi there.


Just got started using the Adreno profiler, and just want to say it's awsome. Having said that, I've seen a callout that concerns me, but I don't know what it is.


WHen I attempt to scrub my 2.x game, in the "Render Calls" window I'm seeing an item that says "Blocking Resolve (Resource Free), 23.13 msec". That's a lot of time, but I don't have any leads as to what that could be. I've googled "Blocking Resolve", looked at the associated code but I can't quite get to the bottom of what's happening there.


Could you please provide any insight?




attached is the trace in question:


7 glDrawElements(mode=GL_TRIANGLE_FAN count=38 type=GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT indices=0x00000000 CurrentElementArrayBinding=45) 7 0 7 glDisable(cap=GL_STENCIL_TEST)

7 glDepthFunc(func=GL_GEQUAL)

7 glUseProgram(program=36)

7 glBindBuffer(target=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer=44)

7 glBindBuffer(target=GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer=45)

7 glGetIntegerv(pname=GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING params=0x44E537C8)

7 glVertexAttribPointer(indx=0 size=3 type=GL_FLOAT normalized=0 stride=12 ptr=0x00000000)

7 glEnableVertexAttribArray(index=0)

7 glActiveTexture(texture=GL_TEXTURE0)

7 glBindTexture(target=GL_TEXTURE_2D texture=4)

7 glTexParameteri(target=GL_TEXTURE_2D pname=GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER param=9729)

7 glTexParameteri(target=GL_TEXTURE_2D pname=GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER param=9729)

7 glTexParameteri(target=GL_TEXTURE_2D pname=GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S param=10497)

7 glTexParameteri(target=GL_TEXTURE_2D pname=GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T param=10497)

7 glUniform1i(location=10 x=0)

7 glDrawElements(mode=GL_TRIANGLE_FAN count=38 type=GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT indices=0x00000000 CurrentElementArrayBinding=45)

8 Non-Blocking Resolve (BindFramebuffer) -0 -0

9 Blocking Resolve (Resource Free) 23.13 msec -0 -0

10 glDrawElements(mode=GL_TRIANGLES count=384 type=GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT indices=0x00000000 CurrentElementArrayBinding=39) 8 0 10 glDisableVertexAttribArray(index=0)

10 glUseProgram(program=0)

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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Mon, 2011-11-28 14:32

The documents in the SDK should provide more detail regarding this information, and we have a guide online as well that should help:


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Join Date: 5 Feb 12
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2012-06-15 08:59

what if i am doing glclear everytime i bind framebuffer or change texture and i am still getting blocking resolve?


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