Forums - Shadow volume extrusion entirely on vertex shader needs more documentation

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Shadow volume extrusion entirely on vertex shader needs more documentation
Join Date: 9 Aug 10
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-09 04:48


I've been toying around with the samples from the AdrenoSDK and I'm curious as to know how the shadow volume extrusion can be realised purely in a vertex shader without the CPU. My main question is about the prepared meshes with the "Edges" prefix, is there a special tool which is used to make these mesh edges? I don't quite understand this part.


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Anonymous (not verified)
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-22 15:10

Hi Alex, the challenge with using shadow volumes is that you need a way to generate the edge meshes, and the tool used for the Adreno SDK samples is not available.  It is recommended that you use a different method, and both Projective Shadows and Shadow Maps are samples available in the Adreno SDK that you can take a look at.

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