Forums - Could not initialized ES11 : __es11Initialize

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Could not initialized ES11 : __es11Initialize
Join Date: 21 Feb 13
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2013-02-21 21:54

When I try to run either my own GLES 3.0 application or one of the OGLES30 samples (NPR) in the Adreno emulator on Windows XP I get a message box saying:

    Emulator failure: Could not initialized (sic) ES11 entry point : __es11Initialize

I downloaded the SDK yesterday. I have no idea how to find the version number but the page with the download link said v3.1 29 Nov 2012.

Why am I getting this failure?

(Note: do not attempt to paste the above message into a search. "(sic)", of course, does not appear in the actual message.

I had another issue with initially caused problems and the waste of half-an-hour or so while I investigated. When the SDK was installed the location of the SDK was *appended* to my existing ADRENO_SDK_DIR environment variable as if that variable was a path-style variable. So it contained "<old adreno SDK location>; <new adreno SDK location>. The sample applications therefore failed to find the DLLs. They do not expect a path-style variable, only a single location. Of course, even if they had expected path-style they would have failed because the older SDK location appeared first.

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Join Date: 21 Feb 13
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2013-02-22 01:15

I have figured out part of what is going on.

Another vendor's SDK installation had installed a libGLES_CM.dll in C:\Windows\system32. If I remove that dll then the Adreno ES3 samples and my ES3 application work. Seems the Adreno libEGL attempts to load libGLES_CM.dll even when the application is requesting a config with EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT and setting context attribute EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION to 3 and, I suppose understandably, gets confused by another vendor's version of the library.



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khawkins Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 62
Posted: Fri, 2013-02-22 08:35

The ES11 initialization issue is exactly what you discovered with another vendor's libGLES_CM.dll. As for your comment regarding the EGL config and ES3 context, the emulator attemps to load the DLL and grab the function pointers at application load time rather than based on the EGL configuration you pass to it, which would be considered runtime from the emulator's standpoint. So as of now your EGL configuration and context attributes have no effect on whether ES11 or ES3 functions are available as a whole.

We may not be able to address that problem easily, but with regards to your other issue we can absolutely look at ways to better manage the DLL's and paths with the ADRENO_SDK_DIR environment variable. That whole configuration and setup for the SDK could use some cleaning up, and we intend to look at improving it in the coming months.

Also, we'll make it easier to find the SDK version within the downloaded package. You do have the latest release, though.

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