Forums - Manual code instrumentation (push/pop markers)

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Manual code instrumentation (push/pop markers)
Join Date: 18 Dec 12
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2012-12-18 16:48

In Scrubber v2.x, is there a way to manually instrument my code to push/pop markers which turn the flat list of render calls into more of a tree view? I've been able to do this in other GPU profilers, and it's very useful in showing the structure of the render frame. For example:


- Root

- - Scene

- - - stuff

- - - more stuff

- - - gl render calls

- - UI

- - - some other stuff

- - - gl render calls

- - Post effects

- - - gl render calls


I'd even settle for non-hierarchical markers that just get inserted into the flat list of render calls as plain text. Anything to insert custom markers to add some context to the huge list of render calls. Sure, you can click on entries in the render call list and see the frame rendered to that point so you have a rough idea where you're at in the frame, but actual markers are much more useful.



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Dave Astle
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Join Date: 19 Oct 12
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 99
Posted: Tue, 2012-12-18 17:48

We are currently working on adding this feature to Adreno Profiler, and support for it should be in the 3.1 release. However, it requires driver-side changes, and it's going to take a while for the changes to propogate to commercial devices.

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