Forums - No rendercalls are captured

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No rendercalls are captured
Join Date: 9 Jul 12
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2012-07-10 17:58


When profiling my app using Adreno Profiler 2.7 on HTC Desire I can connect fine and see the graphs update in Grapher (Grapher Metrics only, Scrubber metrics don't work). However when I click on "Capture Frame" in scrubber no drawcalls are captured. The progress bar works and the textures list fills up, but RenderCalls list stays empty. The emulator screen is all black. I am definitely drawing, because my app displays 3D graphics on the device. I am using scrubber v2.x. Scrubber v1.x does not display anything (as expected - my app uses GLES 2.0)

Overrides tab seems to be working as well (changes affect the device).

How can I see my rendercalls?



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Join Date: 12 Feb 12
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2012-07-24 15:12

Unfortunately this is only a me too reply. I'm having the very same problem as the OP. Emulator screen stays black, no rendercalls, on Windows 7 connected to a Samsung AT&T 4g 8.9" tablet. Grapher works fine, Scrubber does not.

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