Forums - "Error creating texture!" Attempting to run demos on devices

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"Error creating texture!" Attempting to run demos on devices
Join Date: 22 May 12
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2012-05-29 12:44


I'm currently attempting to run both the Disintegrate and the AdrenoShaders demos on my Android devices. I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and a Samsung Nexus S II. With both the projects I'm able to run the demo using the emulator (using Windows 7).

Looking at the logcat's output, I ended up this error with both of them:

I/Disintegrate( 3091): CApplication::Create(100, 100)
I/Disintegrate( 3091): CApplication::LoadFontPack()
I/Disintegrate( 3091): Opening file: Media/Fonts/Tuffy12.pak
I/Disintegrate( 3091): Reading "FontData" from font file: Media/Fonts/Tuffy12.pak
I/Disintegrate( 3091): Verifying font data: Media/Fonts/Tuffy12.pak
I/Disintegrate( 3091): Reading "FontTexture" from font file: Media/Fonts/Tuffy12.pak
I/Disintegrate( 3091): Reading texture from resource file: FontTexture
I/Disintegrate( 3091): Creating texture (WxH = 512x256) from resource file: FontTexture
E/Disintegrate( 3091): Error creating texture!
E/Disintegrate( 3091): FrmCreateTexture Failed!
E/Disintegrate( 3091): Error creating texture!
E/Disintegrate( 3091): Unable to create texture from resource file: FontTexture
E/Disintegrate( 3091): Unable to read "FontTexture" from font file: Media/Fonts/Tuffy12.pak
E/Disintegrate( 3091): Failed to load Font Pack!
E/Disintegrate( 3091): Error initializing GL state
I/Disintegrate( 3091): CApplication::SetSize(800, 480)

Anyone have any ideas on what could be the cause of this error?

Many Thanks!


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Join Date: 22 May 12
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2012-05-29 13:33

I figured out my problem. I ended up using my roommates HTC Thunderbolt and both demos worked perfectly! Since both of my current phones don't have Snapdragon, HTC one does, I guess that's why I was having these issues.

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