Forums - Low FPS when no Image Processing is done

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Low FPS when no Image Processing is done
Join Date: 29 Feb 12
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2012-03-01 08:37



I'm running the "fastcorner" sample on my Galaxy Nexus

The screen shows me that my CamFPS = 16. I was afraid that 16fps is too low for just 'corner  detection', so I went to the PreviewCallback, and put a comment on the "update" line, which means that no processing will take place (of course the image is not RGB now so the screen will be black, but that OK for now).

Surprisingly, CamFPS still equals 16! 
Which tells me two things (a good one and a not so good one):
1. corner detection is really fast, becuase we gain no more fps if its not done.
2. seems like the starting FPS is very very low (16).

My question is whether I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm missing something here, but 16FPS with no image processing at all is not a good starting point for a computer vision application.

Are you experiencing the same issue?



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Join Date: 29 Feb 12
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2012-03-26 03:06

Hi again,

I think the cause for the low FPS is that when shooting video in dark situations, framerate drops down dramatically.

The "corner detection" demo runs much faster (~24fps) if the scene has lots of light in it.

Can someone confirm the low light recording phenomena, or maybe there's a workaround for such situation?



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