Forums - Unresolved inclusion:

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Unresolved inclusion: <fastcv/fastcv.h>
Join Date: 16 Feb 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2012-02-17 05:39

Hello! :)

I've just installed FastCV on my mac (OSX 10.7 Lion) and I'm pretty sure I made it just like it is described in the instructions but somehow I can't get the sample application running. First I had a lot of include errors because I forgot to declare the ndk include folder in the project properties. And now I just have one include error left, but I've no idea how to solve it. I've also made this Developer Tips & Tricks but no way... :) So I hope you can help me at this time :)

In the "FastCVSample.cpp" and "FastCVSampleRenderer" classes I get this Warning: "Unresolved inclusion: <fastcv/fastcv.h>"

I tried to copy the fastcv-android-xx-yy-zz/inc directory into the android-ndk include directory but this didn't help out.

So I hope you have any idea how to solve this problem :) Thank you a lot in advance! :)

Sincerly, Steve.

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Join Date: 16 Feb 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2012-02-17 07:30

Hey guys! It was my fault... I forgot to read the step in which you have to copy the files from fastcv-android-xx-yy-zz/inc and lib to the NDK (

After that all worked fine :) Sorry for my post.

Cheers, Steve.

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