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Build issues
Join Date: 17 Oct 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2011-10-28 23:12

During make process, I get an error in FastCVSample.cpp saying "fastcv/fasctcv.h : No such file or directory" when there is a folder fastcv in the Includes section with fastcv.h, fastcv.intl and stdint_.h files in it. In the file FastCVSampleRenderer.cpp has the same include to fastcv.h but it doesn't throw any problems.

I am using windows and cygwin to run the sample.

I have tried various options like adding the header file directly to the jni folder. The make process then works but then I get an error on ld.exe about -lfastcv is not found.

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Join Date: 27 Oct 11
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Posted: Sun, 2011-10-30 17:18

See "Developer Tips & Tricks section", or

copy <DEVELOPMENT_ROOT>\fastcv-android-xx-yy-zz\inc


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Join Date: 20 Sep 11
Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-01 02:35

We can't get it to work either. After adding ANDROID_NDK_ROOT as an env var, eclipse still complains that he can't find the GLES2, stdlib.h, android/log.h and time.h includes.

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Join Date: 17 Oct 11
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Posted: Tue, 2011-11-01 07:50

That was already done.

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Join Date: 20 Sep 11
Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-01 08:45

We got it to work. You have to closely follow the installation instructions, there are two copy operations mentioned that we initially overlooked:


Copy lib/libfastcv.a to your ndk lib directory (e.g <Android-NDK-Root/platforms/<Android API>/arch-arm/usr/lib)

Copy the contents of inc directory from the installation directory to the new directory you just created under the ndk include directory (e.g <Android-NDK-Root/platforms/<Android API>/arch-arm/usr/include/fastcv)

where <Android API> is android-8, because the sample targeted to API 8. I doesn't work if you put it in android-9 or whatever you use.

The sample is indeed pretty fast, much better than our protoype with OpenCV.

But theres still one very weird thing: you never ever may open any of the *.cpp files in eclipse. As soon as you do, a lot of errors will show up and you can't compile the project anymore. You need to delete the file and copy the corresponding original file from the setup back in to the \jni\ folder (not via eclipse, but via Windows Explorer). After that, you can compile and start the project. This is reproducable on all our tested computers. Restarting eclipse works sometimes too.

Oh, and the app won't work on our Dell Streak 5, it crashes because somehow it doesn't like one of the camera parameters. It works fine on our LG v900 though.


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Join Date: 8 Nov 11
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2011-11-12 01:20

Lennart_Brueggemann suggestion helped me.. I was facing the same problem of the .h file but once I included the necessary files in the ndk include and lib directory, the app successfully compiled for me.. thanks a lot 

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