Forums - What's wrong with fcvGetPerspectiveTransformf32

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What's wrong with fcvGetPerspectiveTransformf32
Join Date: 2 Sep 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2013-02-12 07:17

The following code demostrates a shift by 1000 in the X direction


float32_t src1[8];

float32_t src2[8];


src1[0] = 0;     src1[1] = 0;

src1[2] = 0;     src1[3] = 10000;

src1[4] = 10000; src1[5] = 10000;

src1[6] = 10000; src1[7] = 0;


src2[0] = 1000;  src2[1] = 0;

src2[2] = 1000;  src2[3] = 10000;

src2[4] = 11000; src2[5] = 10000;

src2[6] = 11000; src2[7] = 0;



fcvGetPerspectiveTransformf32 (src1, src2, M);


Produces the following perspective transformation (which is completely wrong):

1.100000  0.110000  0.000232
0.000000  1.100000  0.000231
0.000000  0.000010  1.000000

It seems like fcvGetPerspectiveTransformf32 is broken or maybe I'm missing somthing here.

I saw some thread about a bug in fcvGetPerspectiveTransformf32 but I didn't think it wouldn't work in such a trivial case?!


Any thoughts?



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Join Date: 2 Sep 12
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2013-02-15 05:18

I downloaded FactCV 1.2.0 and retested the code from above, but now the app crashes when it get to this line:

fcvGetPerspectiveTransformf32 (src1, src2, M);

Any idea?



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