Forums - Is there Text recognition feature in Fastcv ??

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Is there Text recognition feature in Fastcv ??
Join Date: 26 Mar 12
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2012-05-07 21:48

Is there Text recognition feature in Fastcv ??or can it be developed using fastcv?Please help.

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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 14 Mar 12
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2012-06-11 17:48

Building text recognition is no small task. FastCV doesn't provide all the functions to build a complete text recognition app but you certainly can use some FastCV functions as building blocks to speed up execution. My suggestion is to have a design and identify your need for functions, then look for applicable functions in the FastCV library. If a function is not available in FastCV but is critical for performance of your app please raise the question. We are adding more and more functions to FastCV over time. It's possible to prioritize support for certain functions if there is strong request for them.




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